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Healing Key Way

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What is Healing Key Way?

Healing Key Way is a system designed to assist an individual on their spiritual journey and path to self awareness. It is for those who wish to evolve by solving their personal issues. A client will develop a focused intention for change and this intention is the foundation of the work. Healing Key Way can help to raise your vibration, and as we transform we affect the collective consciousness of the whole.

Healing Key Way involves knowledge of consciousness and energy. It recognizes that energies, beings, and entities exist in non-material realms and that these are either supportive or oppositional. During a session oppositional energies may be cleared and higher vibrational energies from other realms are sometimes called upon to aid with transformation. Muscle testing is utilized by the practitioner to ask "yes" and "no” questions in a specific order. Depending on the answers, the practitioner helps to determine how to move towards the goal of the current intention. This question and answer system is how each individual session is conducted, with the practitioner acting as a bridge between spirit and the client as they go forwards on their spiritual path.

A Healing Key Way session is laid out as follows:

A session begins by setting sacred healing space through combining focus and muscle testing. The intent behind the muscle testing is to ascertain whatever is your highest good and then this guides the direction the session will go. 

Next we determine the highest priority intention - this is your goal and it is muscle tested for correctness.

Then we find the Healing Keys on which the session will focus. Healing Keys can be specific or collective attributes, experiences, characteristics, gifts, knowledge or blessings needed to reach your intention.

We determine, access, and develop stories relating to the session’s Healing Keys. Stories come from you and may be from your daily life, family lineage, or could be of a metaphysical/symbolic nature. The stories often lead us to an intervention, which helps you to deal with whatever came up.

After we have all of the story we apply interventions to help create change in the energy field. There are many different interventions including clearing energy centres; tapping or holding certain energy centres or meridian points on the body; eye movements; sound; drawing; crystal; angelic interventions etc. Which interventions are utilized are decided via muscle testing.

By the end of a session, clients will have gained new levels of awareness and perspective and this can help them to move forwards spiritually within their daily life.

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House Clearings

I help clear away unwanted oppositional energies including Earthbounds, Thought forms, Entities, etc. that are making your space (whether it is your home, office, hotel room, vacation rental, plot of land, or other area) uncomfortable to live in or visit. I bring an assistant with me to help hold space and ground the energy while I do the work. I can also do the clearing remotely if that is your preference or if traveling to the location is unrealistic.

Note: If a space is cleared but there are still problems it is usually because the people in the space have unresolved issues that haven’t been addressed. For this reason, House Clearings work best when a client is already doing Healing Key Way work on an individual level.

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